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Radar Traffic Violation Platform

SKG signed a 15-year protocol with the Egyptian Ministry of Interior in 2021 to install radars across Egypt for road safety and monitoring traffic violations.

Currently more than 1000 radar camera units have been installed across Egypt that are able to:

  1. ANPR
  2. Speed measurement
  3. Seatbelt detection
  4. Mobile usage
  5. Wrong-way driving

SKG has also developed and deployed the centralized management system that accumulates and organizes all the collected data as well as integrates with all governmental entities that are involved in violation collection and settlement.

Some of the benefits of the radar system on Egypt include:

  • Reduced accidents by 44% after the first year
  • Surveillance and monitoring traffic flow
  • Enhanced driver experience and travel time
  • Increase crime investigation success rate
  • Better infrastructure metrics outlook
  • Generate more income for the country.